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Clôture PMFIC’2023

Clôture du PMFIC’2023 Polymer & Mediterranean Fiber International Conference
La faculté de Technologie organise « PMFIC’2023 » Polymer & Mediterranean Fiber International Conference.
Thèmes: -Polymers and Biopolymer Applications.
– Polymers Composite: Processing, Recycling and Degradation.
– Fiber and Polymer Extraction.
– Modeling and Numerical Simulation.
Université A.MIRA de Béjaia.
Date: 4 et 5 octobre 2023

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Conférence de M. Ganesh Kavita Parshuram Jadhav, India

Thème: « Driving the photocatalytic activity of Hematite towards TiO2 for Safranin & Rhodamine dye degradation »,M. Ganesh Jadhav: M.Sc. Analytical Chemistry, departement of chemistry. Project guide: Vikram Rama Uttam Pandit: assistant professor and PG co-ordinator departement of chemistry. Haribhai V. Desai Arts and Commerce College, Pune. Fiber International Conference, PMFIC‘2023. Faculty of Technology, University Abderahmane MIRA – Bejaia, Algeria.
Date: 4 et 05 octobre 2023

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Conférence de M. Ganesh Dawange, India

Thème: « Preparation of Copper oxide nanoparticles for photocatalytic applications », Research guide: Dr. Mohan D. Sangale ( professor S.S.G.M. College, Kopargaon Maharashtra, India), Research Co-Guide ( Dr. Vikram U. Pandit: Assistant Professor, Haribhai V Desai College, Pune, Maharashtra, India), Research Centre S.S.G.M College Kopargaon, 423601, India. Fiber International Conference, PMFIC‘2023. Faculty of Technology, University Abderahmane MIRA – Bejaia, Algeria.
Date: 4 et 05 octobre 2023

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Conférence de M. Omkar Sadhana Arun Malusare, India

Thème: « Ex-Situ synthesis of Fe2O3/TiO2 nanocomposites for photocatalytic applications », project guide: Dr Vikram Rama Uttam Pandit: Assistant professor and Co-ordinator, departement of chemistry. Haribhai .V . Desai Arts, Science and commerce college, Pune 02. Polymer and Mediterranean Fiber International Conference, PMFIC‘2023. Faculty of Technology, University Abderahmane MIRA – Bejaia, Algeria.
Date: 4 et 05 octobre 2023

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